
We’ve created a collection of video tutorials to help you get acquainted with the event and the EarthMMO app.

If you have any other questions about what the expect feel free to reach out to us using the Contact Us page!

NOTE: These videos were made for Enchanted 2023. The app has gone through many changes since then and certain details will have changed. New videos coming soon!

Useful Information:

Some useful information that may not be mentioned in the tutorials:

  • Android phones using Firefox: There is a known bug with the location access at the moment. If you run into it losing permission to your location we suggest trying a different browser like Chrome for now.
  • App glitches: Sometimes the App may not respond as expected, either by locking up or interactions not working. There seems to be a timeout issue if you go too long between interactions. To fix this, close out of your browser/app and reopen it. Your progress is constantly saved so you won’t lose any progress other than the interaction that didn’t work. If you’re unsure of how to do this ask any NPC actor and they will try to assist, otherwise visit us at the Guild Hall.