Welcome to the Fantasy By Numbers Wand Selection Trial!

Welcome young wizard, so you're looking for a wand are you? Then you've come to the right place, we have wands of all colors, shapes and sizes, no two are alike. How could you possibly choose from so many? Well I have good news for you, you don't! That's why you're here after all. These wands choose their wizards and they're very particular. As you complete each question they will decide which is the best fit for you.

It's been ages since you took a break from your studies and you're headed off on a much needed vacation. What is your ideal way to relax?

A visit to "Familyar Books"
Party at the "Reaver's and Ravers" club

A fellow wizard shows up on your doorstep and requests your assistance on their latest adventure to return the Havenstar to the dark elves of Grimwood. How likely are you to join them?

I'll check my calendar...
I've already got my cloak!

While traveling through a dense forest you come across a distressed gnome. A pack of Gnolls has kidnapped his wife and taken her to their den. He begs for your help, grabbing your arm and pulling you deeper into the forest. Is this a trap, or can you trust him?

Turn him into a toad and walk away
You rush head first into danger

You've been separated from your party while dungeon delving and your last torch is about to go out. You're not sure which way to go and you hear scuffling in the dark passageways.

Hide and wait for a rescue party

Your latest assignment in Botany class is to work with a classmate to create a magical fertilizer potion. You'll both be working in your Alchemy lab, what do they find when they arrive?

It's a flying pig sty!
Everything is color coded

Congratulations! You've finally graduated from Albion's School of Sorcery and now you need to decide where to establish yourself as a wizard. Where do you see yourself 5 years from now?

Hermit on a mountain
Her Majesty's Wizard

You're signing up for next term's classes and are having trouble deciding what to take. What style of magics are you planning to study?

Healing & Support Magic
Combat Magic

You recently lost your wand while fighting off a pack of rabid gnomes. While shopping for a replacement you are presented with two choices. An heirloom wand rumored to be wielded by the Great Merlin himself, or the brand new "Sparkler 4500" with a patented quick draw sheath. Which wand draws your eye most?

Tried and true, every time
The future is now

You decide to specialize in a specific domain of magic. Which one do you study?


The road to becoming an all powerful wizard can be lonely at times, everyone needs a reliable companion to face the trials ahead. Which animal familiar do you summon?
